Sheboygan North High School
Class of 1962
In Memory

Thirty nine of our classmates have passed away.  If you have an anecdote or a tribute you would like to publish on a classmate's obituary, please post it on the message board and we will add it to the obit.

Patricia Baer
Victor Baras
Beverly Baumann
Fred Blanchette
Ted Blanchette
Mary Bromley Kushmir
Patricia Dann Gaubatz
Joe Demeuse
Susan Detling
Barbara Doncheck Cerpich
Jim Erdman
Donna Feld Yager
Phyllis Fogle Halle
Margie Fritsch Schmidt
Jim Feudner
Jim Herber
Susan Hoberg Rolloff
James Jindra
Christine Klunck Monahan
Judy Knaub
Jim Krueger
Jim McBrady
Emilie Muuss McNicol
Larry Neuwirth
Jerry Perl
Kathy Ploetz Stempihar
Larry Protsman
Bonnie Schutt Roever
Mark Siebert
Ron Smies
Sharon Stapel Siminow
Raymond Stephen
Jane Van Haveren Stephen
Jim Stuefen
Penny Watterson Jocis
Ken Wilke
Stanley Warburton
Terry Wohlrabe
Tim Wolfert